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Kalley - K-Pup - came to live with us at her new home in the Hospice in July 2019. Her person died in November 2018 and she had been in rescue and in a couple of unsuccessful home placements until she came to us. While in kennels, she suffered from some hip pain and she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma; bone cancer. When she arrived, we did not know how long she would have; one estimate was as little as a week. 

However, when we met it was clear that K-Pup was not in pain and did not seem to have any mobility issues. That's putting it mildly - she was unstoppable! She tore around the Hospice, and for days would not settle. She was overwhelmed - sheep! chickens! turkeys! stuff!!!!. After a few days of reassurance and routine, she started to settle and within 2 weeks she was happily dozing on her sofa while we worked in the Hospice office. 

Around 10 days after we met, our vet called with his examination of her x-rays that had been sent by her previous vet. He had looked at them closely and done a lot of research, and he was 95% sure that she did not have cancer! He believes she suffered a femoral head necrosis at some time during the last few years which, although painful at the time, would no longer be causing her any pain or lasting damage. We could not have heard better news. We were delighted. 

K-Pup is a whirling ball of loving extroverted energy and she is so much fun to be with. 


    The Maggie Fleming Animal Hospice and The Karass Sanctuary          Kirkcudbright, Scotland


(c) 2021

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